Did you know? - Manasvi Specialists


Did you know?

Did you know?

You have two ovaries, one on each side of your uterus. Ovaries are the size  and shape of almond and contain your ova or eggs.

The fallopian tubes are near the ovaries. These are thin , about 10cm long and they carry egg from ovary to womb(uterus).

The uterus is pear shaped hollow structure .It can stretch to hold a baby and shrink back after delivery.

Cervix is the lower part of uterus which connects to vagina. when a woman is pregnant ,the cervix is plugged with mucus to protect the developing baby from infection.

Your vagina is about 8-10 cm long which leads your cervix to the entrance(vulva).

The menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is the process in which an egg develops, released when signals are given by the gland, if conception does not happen prepares the uterus to bleed, but if conception happens prepares the lining of uterus for a possible pregnancy. These events are caused by chemical messengers or hormones.

Ovulation is when egg is released from ovary. Once released ,it travels down the fallopian tube to uterus..After ovulation the mucus in the cervix becomes thick and sticky. If the egg is not fertilized it will be reabsorbed naturally , hormone levels falls and menstrual cycle ends. The cycle begins with shedding of womb lining as periods.


It is a process that begins with fertilization. For fertilization   to take place an egg needs to meet a sperm following intercourse. It takes about 3 hours for the sperm to fully enter the egg. . The fertilised egg moves down the fallopian tube to the prepared womb for implantation . conception is now complete and pregnancy begins. 

An average pregnancy lasts 280 days

Very rarely a pregnancy develops outside the womb, usually in the fallopian tube , this is called ectopic/ tubal pregnancy.

Medical Specialists

Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Dr. Madhu Shree Vijayakumar

Dr. Madhu Shree Vijayakumar, is an obstetrician and gynaecologist with about a decade experience in addressing women’s health problems from adolescence to post menopause.

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Consultant Psychiatrist
Dr. Vijayakumar D.R

Dr. Vijayakumar D.R is a senior psychiatrist with more than 22 years of experience in handling mental health issues in India, Australia and the United Kingdom.

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